About and Contact

About us:

We are a project that’s aim to do machine translation patch’s for visual novels, everything based on the google translator without human revision.

Keep in mind our objetive is be a best alternative to the VNR (Visual Novel Reader), we will allways do free patchs and trying respect true translation groups, so if you is from the staff of a translation group translating a game that we have, You can request a takedown and if we confirm you’re isn’t a fake, our patch will be deleted, And to this, ours patch’s includes a small protection that needs contact our servers to work.

If you’re an game developer and wants takedown any patch here contact-us, we will remove your content.


Why Ads?
Basically the google translator api isn’t free, to do a massive translation the google translator request a price of 20 USD to 1.000.000 characteres translated, our ads is to paid this price.

These ADs are annoying!
We don’t aim the perfection, our patches are for those who do not care for poor translation quality, so they should be prepared to deal with annoying ads.

Then to where the money go when the ads paid the patch price?
To new patches! We don’t calculate how many downloads we get from a single patch,
but we sum all values from our ads and use the money to do new patches.

I don’t want your MTL from my patch or release!
We understand, in this case you can create an issue in our github and request a takedown.
If we confirm your identity we will remove the patches that were based either on your official or fan release.

Why the patch only translate the text?
Basically our patchs is full automatic, we only setup the open source tool that we use to support an certain game and she do everything to us, with except of translate the images


To Contact us, you need create an issue on our repositorie, here:

We are open to:

  • Game Requests (To any latin-based language)
  • Takdown Requests (from fan translators or developers)
  • Allways Crash report

We will ignore issues that reports:

  • Missing translation in random parts
  • Bad translation
  • Special Character problem
  • Rare Random Crash’s

Request notes:

  • Currently we don’t accept request to the portuguese
  • We can not guarantee that your order will be taken care of
  • Requests that gain a lot of github reactions earn more legal credibility than others.
  • We don’t accept informal request from comments
  • Requests that give detailed game information, including VNDB, Target Release and especially the engine used in the game, are likely to get a response, not to mention probably faster.

Takedown Notes:

  • We accept takedown request from official localizators
  • We accept takedown request from fan translators
  • We accept takedown request from game developers
  • We don’t accept takedown request from anonymous peoples.
  • We don’t accept takedown request from peoples unrelated with a certain game
  • We accept takedown request from announced but not released yet builds of the game.
  • To confirm your identiy you need quote in any place of your site (except comments, of course) the words “No MTL Patch”, you can place in the html, robots.txt or create a new post, after this, just show us where he is and we will confirm your identify